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Heat and Mass Transfer Lab

Welcome to the Heat and Mass Transfer Lab homepage. On this page you can come anytime to figure out what we are doing in the Heat and Mass Transfer Lab, provided of course that the page is regularly updated, something that is usually easier said than done.

Research Group The Heat and Mass Transfer Lab is located in Goddard Hall 117 so if you ever want to check whether we actually do what is stated in these pages you're welcome to stop by. Maybe someone will be in the lab to answer some of the interesting questions you may have concerning the statements on this webpage, or maybe you're just really interested and just want to come take a look around.

The picture here shows the research group at a get-together in May 2016: (L-to-R: Rui, Behnam, Bernardo Castro-Dominguez (Research Professor), Zahra, Stefano, Bhanu, Prof. Dixon).

Thank you very much for surfing to our webpage, take a look around, some areas may be of interest. Most aspects of 'lab-life' are incorporated in the page, just use the menu to your left. If you have any additional questions, you may contact Professor Dixon.

Last modified:
May 22, 2016

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