three spheres spinning




Laboratory Equipment


Major Qualifying Projects

CFD in CRE IV Conference


Heat and Mass Transfer Lab


Florent Allain Florent Allain

ex-Graduate Student (MS)
Chemical Engineering

B.Sc. (Ch.E.); 2009- ENSIC Nancy (France)
M.S. (Ch.E.); 2011- WPI

Florent pursued a Master’s Degree at WPI after finishing 2 of the 3 years at ENSIC Nancy (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques). The MS degree at WPI is like a third year in France. He graduated in 2011 both with a MS in Chemical Engineering at WPI and as an ingénieur at ENSIC, in France.

Florent's MS work dealt with the heat transfer, diffusion and reaction in catalyst particles in the near wall region of low tube-to-particle-diameter-ratio packed beds. Florent used CFD as a simulation tool to produce detailed 3D simulations of catalyst particles and also used COMSOL to solve classical reaction engineering models, to evaluate them. His MS thesis is entitled "Evaluation of the Classical Reaction Engineering Models in terms of Mass Transport and Reaction Rate Distribution for Low Tube-to-Particle Diameter Ratio Beds".

Following his time at WPI, Florent returned to France where he studied for a Ph.D. at the University of Lorraine - LRGP, in Nancy. After obtaining his doctorate, Florent took a position as an Engineer with IFP Energies nouvelles - Process Design and Modeling Division in Lyon, France.

Last modified:
April 13, 2016

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